About Smartunes4kids
Learning a second language at Smartunes4kids is a fantastic opportunity!
Smartunes4kids is the online phonics and language platform developed and operated by MnS Language Academy, a partner school of London Teacher Training College (LTTC) which provides comprehensive and structured phonics teaching and learning programs for children, teachers and parents. We also offer relevant professional training, assessments and qualifications as well as patented education materials.
We believe that phonemic awareness and sound intelligence should be cultivated since early childhood, which is crucial to promoting biliteracy and trilingualism. Also, the acquisition of mother tongue and that of second language are inseparably interconnected. Thus, our curricula intend not to undermine the value of mother tongue, but rather to enhance the mother tongue whilst learning a second language.
Founder's Introduction of the Course
自2000年開始,林氏致力突破傳統教育模式,研創出一套完善的「PPI Musical Phonics」教學法及課程,以提升幼兒的音素意識為首要任務,透過一系列悅耳易記的歌曲,開啟孩子的潛意識學習狀態,逐步提高孩子幼年期的語言和聆聽靈敏度,為日後學習語音學、語音體系和多國語言奠下重要的基石。孩子可通過模仿練習建立正確的發音技巧和聲音智慧,進而識別口語音節(方言、口音或語音學)和書寫音節(如何拼寫或拼音)的差異和整合。
有別於傳統的英語教學法,林氏認為母語與英語的學習應是相輔相成,因此「PPI Musical Phonics」課程主張孩子在學習外語的同時鞏固母語,配合香港政府以「兩文三語」為目標的語文教育政策。林氏的課程對香港兒童教育部門作出重大貢獻,更被公認為快速且有效的語言學習途徑。
林慕德先生的「Musical Phonics」教學法已獲「英國倫敦師範學院」(LTTC) (即London Teacher Training College) 認可,並整合出「LTTC兒童英語拼讀能力證書考試」, 讓家長與學校以此國際標準全面評估幼童之聽、講、讀、寫能力。